Services at Paloma Church
Church 24/7
Church at Paloma is not confined to a weekly service on Sunday at 10:30 am. It is a
lifestyle. It is about being the church. We are the body of Christ! The church belongs to
Him, and we are to steward it accordingly.
This concept is our approach to discipleship. Discipleship is not a list of items, a class
or curriculum. It is a lifestyle that is rooted in 3 core values.
Those 3 three core values are: Living in Christ, Growing in our Faith,
and Serving our Community.

Living in Christ—there is no “true’ life outside of Christ. Real life is in connection to
Him and to one another.
Growing in the Faith—is a total trust in Christ to work in every life while empowering
that person to become the person God intends.

Serving the Community—the natural result of spiritual growth is that people of faith
will bear the fruit of serving God and others with their talents and gifts.
Communion is an integral part of our weekly gathering at Paloma. The table of the Lord
is the New Testament equivalent of the Old Testament Passover. Jesus is the Passover
Lamb. His body was broken for our physical healing and his blood was shed for our
eternal salvation. This table represents both physical and spiritual provision for all of
those who come to His table. We have been commanded to come to the table often to
be reminded of the incredible work that Christ has done for us. We believe that there
has never been a more critical time to offer this spiritual reminder of the provision of
Jesus Christ. Everything we will ever need in this life and the life to come is found in
Christ—our Passover. We offer communion every Sunday in our worship service.