Ministry at Paloma Church
Family Ministry
Family Ministry—the institution of the family was the first institution that God ever created in
the beginning in Genesis chapter one. Unfortunately our culture has delegated the family to
public institutions and churches. We believe that God has called us together as families. Strong
families make strong churches. It is not the other way around. At Paloma we worship together
as families. This includes married families and single parent families. We all come together as
the family of God.

Gospel Message
The proclamation of the Gospel brings salvation to us (Rom. 1:16). God really
does everything (Rom.3:26). This really is a “whosoever will come as you are” Gospel. Our
Sunday service is a proclamation and celebration of everything God has done for us in Jesus
Christ. Come join in on this celebration in our Sunday service.
The table of the Lord is the New Testament equivalent of the Old Testament Passover. Jesus is the Passover Lamb. His body was broken for our physical healing and his blood was shed for our eternal salvation. This table represents both physical and spiritual provision for all of those who come to His table. We have been commanded to come to the table often to be reminded of the incredible work that Christ has done for us. We believe that there has never been a more critical time to offer this spiritual reminder of the provision of
Jesus Christ. Everything we will ever need in this life and the life to come is found in Christ—our Passover. We offer communion every Sunday in our worship service.

Baptism of Repentance
It is a baptism of repentance. In Matthew Chapter 3:11 it is recorded that John’s baptism was one of repentance. In our culture it has been mistaken as a baptism of forgiveness, but it is actually a baptism of repentance. This means that a person has had a
change of mind, heart, and direction. That person has died to this way of life and has been
raised to new life in Christ. The prodigal in Luke 15 had a radical change of mind and heart. He
was willing to return home as a servant. He left with pride and arrogance and returned with
genuine humility. It is the kindness of God that leads a person to repentance (Romans 2:4).
Pastoral Ministry
Pastoral Ministry—we offer the pastoral ministry of shepherding. Pastoral care that involves
being present with empathy. It is our pleasure to come along side to pray with you and to
encourage you.

Stewardship—means manager. We don’t own anything, and everything belongs to God. We
are not here to manipulate you financially. We want you to learn to steward your time, talent,
and treasure. Your finances do not belong to any church or ministry. Your finances belong to
God, and our goal is that you learn to approach them with that perspective. When we put God
first he promises to real and take care of the details of life. Real financial peace is free from worry and manipulation from the culture and the church.
Discipleship—The Great Commission commands discipleship. Our discipleship curriculum is the
Experiencing God Study by Henry Blackaby. We meet the last Saturday of every month for this
study and dinner together. The power of this study is that it reminds us that God initiates all
ministry and service, and we truly are followers of His calling and plans.

Community—The fellowship of believers. We come together every week to engage Jesus in a
personal relationship and to also engage others in relationship that creates a community of
faith. We are all in the same predicament. We all need Jesus, and we need each other!
Bible Answer Time
Bible Answer Time—Jesus is the Answer. We have breakfast and Bible Answer Time the first
Sunday of every month. It is an open forum where people can ask questions regarding the
Bible and everyday life. The ultimate discovery of the Bible Answer Time is that Jesus is the
really the answer to all of our questions.